Sunday, February 27, 2011

gym etiquette

I belong to a very nice gym.  I feel very lucky that I am able to do so.  What I feel unlucky about are the things that I have had the displeasure of witnessing in the women's locker room.

I don't consider myself a prude but I am very modest.   I took ballet for 18 years and I think I changed in the bathroom stall instead of the dressing room with everyone else the majority of the time.  I'll admit that I might be extra sensitive when it comes to parading around naked in front of strangers, or worse, someone I know, in a public area.  Even if I agree to live with the unnecessary nakedness I cannot get behind (heh, get it?) the other activities going on in there.

I offer you a Public Service Announcement of sorts.  If you or anyone you know are performing any of the following behaviors, please, stop.  These are all things I have seen with my own eyes and god help me, some of them I cannot forget.

In the locker room, please do not...

1.  cut your toenails
2.  cut your fingernails
3.  apply your foot fungus cream
4.  blow your nose in the shower into nothing, I assume, but your hands
5.  wash your feet in the sink
6.  use the hair dryer to dry your hair, but, not the hair on your head
7.  forget that you are naked when you bend and stretch in every which way
8.  forget that you are naked when you throw your leg up on the counter and slap lotion all over it
9.  address ANY sort of feminine hygiene needs whatsoever outside of a bathroom stall
10.  walk over to the scale in only a towel and then drop that towel to weigh yourself.  Honestly, how much could the towel possibly weigh?
11.  wash your hair in the sink
12.  have a conversation with me while you are topless

Please do not forget that you are not alone and in the privacy of your own home.  We can see you and we can't look away.

***get down on your knees and thank your lucky stars that I have included no pictures with this post.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm guilty of #10. The towels there weigh over a pound. It's demoralizing.
