Wednesday, March 23, 2011

baby love

I know I have mentioned before how much Harriet loves babies but she is downright nutso berserk for them.   I just think it is so cool because Eloise never showed any interest at all in dolls or babies.  It was always, and still is,  stuffed animals with her.  Just another piece of evidence proving the fact that apparently everyone knew except me---duh, every kid is different.

Harriet first spotted another baby on the Costco diaper box that was sitting in the kitchen for quite some time. ( I was doing a little experiment to see if Mike would move it before I did.  He didn't.  It sat there for 13 days.)  During this time, Harriet fell in love with that giant baby's head on the side of the diaper box.  She would stare at it, crane her neck to see it from any location in the room, and she eventually started saying "ba-ba".

Soon babies were popping up everywhere in Harriet's world.  She was excited to see them in her books, on the side of her baby food jars, on t.v., in photographs, and oh my god! look at that one in the mirror.  Every other person in the world that was not an adult, was a baby.

She then discovered a baby doll.  A 3D baby that she could actually hold and rock and hug and kiss and feed and push around in the stroller and chat with.  We went from having zero dolls in the house to having about six or seven, and I'm sure they are still coming.

Harriet is a good little mommy and it warms my heart to see how sweet she is with her babies.  She observes things so diligently and acts out pretty much exactly what she sees.  Why is she always dropping the babies on their heads though?

playing in the nursery at the children's museum
a.k.a. harriet's heaven

putting babies to bed

this is the look she gives a girl who dares
to take the baby away

getting baby dressed at home

a quick smooch

a nice stroll

seriously, do not get between harriet and 
a baby

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