Sunday, August 14, 2011

beans, beans the magical fruit: part II

I love coffee.  I love the taste, the smell, the act of preparing it, and the daily ritual surrounding it.  I don't drink coffee all day long but I can't remember the last time I missed my morning cup... and sometimes afternoon cup.  I have been drinking coffee since high school.  I owned coffee houses with my family for 9 years.  I drank coffee throughout both my pregnancies and two years of breast feeding.  (Neither of my children appear to be stunted.)  Listen, I love the stuff.  I would not be ashamed of the label 'junkie' in this context.  

For years now I have been using delicious, locally roasted beans and making my coffee with a French Press every morning.  In the summer, I make iced coffee using a toddy coffee maker.  All of this was going along just fine until I met The Saeco.

While home visiting my parents, I noticed a behemoth of a coffee machine on the counter.  They had just gotten it from my brother and he was extolling it's many virtues to them.  I kind of poo poo'd it thinking it was just another gimmicky machine using the pods or some other dumb, flash in the pan idea.  Then, I saw my brother push one button and I watched The Saeco brew the most beautiful crema topped espresso that I had seen in a long time.  Also, it was delicious.

We headed home and kept thinking about that coffee maker.  It was so easy, so delicious, so convenient. The only problem, it was pricey.  The price kept us from ordering it for some time but we talked about it almost every day.  Seriously.  Every day.

The next visit to my parents I stayed a whole week and took advantage of The Saeco for seven days in a row.  I was sold.  Now, to convince Mike.  I planned to make a few spreadsheets and maybe do a PowerPoint presentation to prove to him it was worth it if we just stopped going to the coffee house and maybe lived without electricity for a month or two.  Turns out, I didn't have to convince him at all!  Unprecedented!  Mike was already sold.

As a side note---just to give you more of an idea of the power of this thing---I witnessed my dad, who at 65 has never, to my knowledge, purchased anything for himself at a store let alone on the internet, come towards me waving a piece of paper on which he had written The Saeco's information.  He said, "What is it called?  Amazon?  Amazon dot com?  How do I order one of these for my office?"
Well, I'll be damned.

The night I got home from Toledo, Mike and I went online to order it from Costco and, I swear, as soon as I hit 'confirm order' we checked the front porch to see if it had arrived.  What seemed like an eternity of 4 whole days later we had our very own Saeco and we were in love... with the coffee.

My only concern is that it is too easy, too delicious, and too convenient.  Iced or Hot.  Day or Night.  For Here or To Go.

It has never been easier to be a junkie.

here he is in all his glory

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